mercoledì 13 giugno 2007

Time flies when your busy tieing flies.

buone ferie! my secretary is going to riccione to see her mom. that's a city on the seaside on the Adriatic coast of Italy. Near Rimini... has been challenging lately. I haven't been helping things by going out every night until later than I should.

The next day, when I woke up, I had to drag myself up. I'm no longer able to do these types of things to my body, even though I didn't drink too much. Well, one of the nights I did...

I'm eating Knorr passato di verdura, which is similar to vegetable puree. It has very few calories, etc...but I'm noticing something for the first has a LOT of salt. All this Knorr shit is full of salt. So, in the end, I don't think it's that healthy for me.

FUCK! They make those damn bullion cubes out of who knows what! I wonder if anyone has tried to smoke one of those...

Time is flying this month! I have to have my marketing plan done in 1.5 months...about. I'm leaving for the states so I must have it done! If I don't, it's a blood bath. Tonight, I am going to take it easy and go to sleep EARLY. Hopefully, my body will be appreciative of this gesture.

I'm going to finish eating my salt soup, and get to bed.


lunedì 4 giugno 2007

Rocking it out in the middle of nowhere near Piacenza

let me finish this weekend before i already get behind and another weekend is here...

anyway...we had fun at rolling stone.

we met a cool girl from enitrea. she was bored and her friends asked if she saw anything interesting. she pointed out me. i think it was because i was dressed sharp - sport coat.

who knows...anyway, she was really chill. we exchanged numbers, and i intend to call her.

saturday night...

well, we didn't get home from the club until 5 am the night before. the dawn was just appearing. can the dawn appear? i don't care. fuck it.

anyway, cam has a teacher friend who is in a band. so, we ended up going.

originally, deborah, who just turned 30 the other day...thanks for telling me...or maybe you did?

i just realised that i suck at writing...well, i think i lack the patience to write well.

so, here is the condensed milk...

we went outside of milan, to piacenza.
we had deborah pick us up instead of have to take the tram outside of town to hitch a ride (pure laziness and selfishnesses driven.
cover band with some good musical talent
dinner was eh. overcooked meat...not typical of italian cuisine.
we got wasted, had a good time, then came back to milan.
smoked qualche canna with the bass player, mike.
went to this spot on naviglio grande, in & out. i know the name is great...

enjoyed some last minute music, hung out with some cool kids from cattolica.
cattolica and bocconi are supposed to be rivals...i dunno...i didn't sense it!
anyway there was the super cute girl from puglia...i wanted her and i think she was young too, which is a huge plus.

since i turned 30, i have been lusting/longing for younger and younger women (within reason of course!)

from now on 18-25 is ideal no matter how old i get...

that finishes the weekend...i got a little impatient so i hit FFW on the story telling. perhaps in future i will take more time. not tonight.

well, my body is still suffering for the torture i gave it from this weekend. my 30-year old self is not as resilient as it once was.

let's just make a mental note not to do that to my body again for at least a month. sunday i tried to recover without any luck. i was hung over like a €2 whore over a dumpster in the alley. some mischievous guy is counting money next to her...

anyway, long story short, it took all of yesterday to recover...and i still didn't recover.
oh yeah, and i think i broke my hand (again) playing the tambourine.


i have a busy 2 months before vacation at work.
no time for these shenanigans until august.
be good.

peace out.

domenica 3 giugno 2007

I hope I don't have to think of a title for each time I post.

Final super fast reflection before bed...

I have a terrible memory...I don't know why it is that way...but it is. I use technology devices, such as smart phones, as supplemental storage facilities.

What's the point?

Essentially, that I have holes in my memory. I want to remember all the cool and fun things I have done, do and will do. So, above all, this is a self-centered blog. But if you want to read it, you are welcome to.

I'm excited that I can record my "memoirs" in this fashion. I have a very interesting life, and I want to remember it. I think this is the only way I can.

white night weekend, in Milan and nearby...

Well, the weekend came and went.

I got a text from Cam Friday afternoon. He was, "thinking crazy and going to club to seek out peril and excitement". Keep in mind, that this was an SMS message so it's straight and to the point.

I was game. So, we made plans to meet up later and go to some club here in Milan. Since most of the music in Milan is super commercial, there are not many clubs I know of that are worth the trouble (i.e. dealing with bouncers or snobby people who don't want to let you in because you don't "have the look".

Consider that foreshadowing...

We took a cab to a club name, PLASTIC.

I have many words to waste on this club...but let me just say the only way I have ever managed to get in is by jumping over the guard railing when the bouncer wasn't looking. It's not a large place, but the music is relatively good...for Milan.

The problem is getting inside. The bouncer is an asshole. The owner is a heartless prick and the people working the door are a bunch of queens that judge you instantly on what you are wearing, if you're gay, how many women you are with, etc.

Anyway, I'm ranting...long story short, we didn't get in. I felt stupid. Guest list only we were told.

I considered repeating my past performance, and jumping over the gate...but there wasn't enough confusion at the time. I would have needed a distraction. I seriously considered throwing a glass bottle into the crowd.

Cam was more chill...and suggested we walk further down the street to see if there was another place of interest...well, there was.

Rolling Stone has a night with music from the 70's, 80's and 90's. It's free to get in. They make their money on the booze.

I was trying not to drink too much alcohol because I'm working on losing a little bit of stubborn weight in my stomach (read "tub of love").

So, we end up having a great time at this place. There were fewer attitudes...I have to sleep now because I don't want to be a worthless piece of shit at work tomorrow.

Perhaps during a break tomorrow, I will finish my weekend adventures. Both nights I ended up coming home around 5 am...

Inaugural post

For some time now I have wanted to write somewhere...I was originally thinking in a personal diary.

Honestly, I don't care if anyone ever reads this, but it's a convenient online diary that I will keep.
If someone wants to read it, they can.

Part of me feels excited to write my personal thoughts and broadcast them all over the anonymity??? i'll have to get back to you on that one.

Well, I finally did it...I made my own blog. I feel like I've accomplished something today.