domenica 3 giugno 2007

white night weekend, in Milan and nearby...

Well, the weekend came and went.

I got a text from Cam Friday afternoon. He was, "thinking crazy and going to club to seek out peril and excitement". Keep in mind, that this was an SMS message so it's straight and to the point.

I was game. So, we made plans to meet up later and go to some club here in Milan. Since most of the music in Milan is super commercial, there are not many clubs I know of that are worth the trouble (i.e. dealing with bouncers or snobby people who don't want to let you in because you don't "have the look".

Consider that foreshadowing...

We took a cab to a club name, PLASTIC.

I have many words to waste on this club...but let me just say the only way I have ever managed to get in is by jumping over the guard railing when the bouncer wasn't looking. It's not a large place, but the music is relatively good...for Milan.

The problem is getting inside. The bouncer is an asshole. The owner is a heartless prick and the people working the door are a bunch of queens that judge you instantly on what you are wearing, if you're gay, how many women you are with, etc.

Anyway, I'm ranting...long story short, we didn't get in. I felt stupid. Guest list only we were told.

I considered repeating my past performance, and jumping over the gate...but there wasn't enough confusion at the time. I would have needed a distraction. I seriously considered throwing a glass bottle into the crowd.

Cam was more chill...and suggested we walk further down the street to see if there was another place of interest...well, there was.

Rolling Stone has a night with music from the 70's, 80's and 90's. It's free to get in. They make their money on the booze.

I was trying not to drink too much alcohol because I'm working on losing a little bit of stubborn weight in my stomach (read "tub of love").

So, we end up having a great time at this place. There were fewer attitudes...I have to sleep now because I don't want to be a worthless piece of shit at work tomorrow.

Perhaps during a break tomorrow, I will finish my weekend adventures. Both nights I ended up coming home around 5 am...

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